Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Year

Never be afraid for things to take a year. lol. I know that sounds weird but some of the best situations for me have taken a year to happen. I mean I met Carvin Haggins a year before I actually got in the studio with him. I was probably ten times more ready after letting a year pass. Where some might have gotten discouraged, I just kept it moving and eventually the opportunity was there for me.
In a another situation, there was a job that I was supposed to start in the summer of last year. Well somehow that didn't happen either. About 20 failed job offers and a year later, I'll be starting that new job on Monday. And I'm probably more prepared for that then I was a year ago.
I guess in all this I am learning patience. Great things come eventually even if it's not at the time that you think it should be. So getting songs placed, meeting the person that can take your career to the next level, learning an instrument can take a year, maybe 2, maybe 10. But keep it moving and it might still happen for you. Or in the time you're waiting, you might find something else, something better, something meant for you...

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