The booth is an interesting space to exist in. A dead room. Made so that the sound waves will not flutter or have harsh reflections and to scare the crap out of people like me who have no business in the booth. I am a writer. A songwriter. And as much as I would like that to solely involve my pen and a page, that is not the case. I often have to go into the booth to lay reference ideas for songs that I am writing. Only for another singer to come in and lay the idea over. The booth has been one of my biggest enemies in the past. I mean literally, I would lose my breath, get sweaty palms every time I went in, which does not help you sound better at all. And after listening back to a nervous, breathless recording, I gained even more disdain for that tiny box with a microphone. You would think I was the most terrible singer IN the world, when really I’m not it just comes out AWFUL in the booth. Lol. But this year, this lifetime, from now on, I’ve decided that I am no longer afraid of anything. And although this proclamation is going to take some time, I am confident that I am going to indeed overcome this hate, hate relationship with those four walls, within four walls. That in addition to taking some vocal lessons should really do the trick. The booth is a very interesting space, jokes are made, autotune gives confidence, and confessions are blurted out especially when it's dark, but the most important thing that happens in there is good music is made. That is now my focus. There are great words on my pages and somebody gotta sing em’.
Photo: James Smith | I write, I laugh, I dream in color. Ashley Coleman the Songwriter...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Booth
The booth is an interesting space to exist in. A dead room. Made so that the sound waves will not flutter or have harsh reflections and to scare the crap out of people like me who have no business in the booth. I am a writer. A songwriter. And as much as I would like that to solely involve my pen and a page, that is not the case. I often have to go into the booth to lay reference ideas for songs that I am writing. Only for another singer to come in and lay the idea over. The booth has been one of my biggest enemies in the past. I mean literally, I would lose my breath, get sweaty palms every time I went in, which does not help you sound better at all. And after listening back to a nervous, breathless recording, I gained even more disdain for that tiny box with a microphone. You would think I was the most terrible singer IN the world, when really I’m not it just comes out AWFUL in the booth. Lol. But this year, this lifetime, from now on, I’ve decided that I am no longer afraid of anything. And although this proclamation is going to take some time, I am confident that I am going to indeed overcome this hate, hate relationship with those four walls, within four walls. That in addition to taking some vocal lessons should really do the trick. The booth is a very interesting space, jokes are made, autotune gives confidence, and confessions are blurted out especially when it's dark, but the most important thing that happens in there is good music is made. That is now my focus. There are great words on my pages and somebody gotta sing em’.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010

In the moment that I reach over to hand the CD, USB, iPod, whatever medium to the consumer I think my heart skips a beat. I have truly learned what being an "artist that's sensitive about their ish" really means. You pour a lot of you into the music that you create and at the time when you're ready to let another person in on it, it's a very vulnerable place to be. We want people to like it!!!! No matter how much you tell yourself that the music is for you and blah blah blah, most of us wouldn't be in this if we didn't want to share our stories and ideas with the masses and hope that they too might identify with if not all of it a piece of what you're presenting to the world.
Validation is something that drives this whole business. Artists, producers, executives, writers ... we all want to be validated. By our peers, by our superiors, by that random person walking down the street bobbing their head to our song in their headphones. We are constantly looking for approval. I've noticed when I play something for someone I probably don't breath until they start to nod their head in agreement to what they are hearing. And it doesn't stop. You might think that it is only a downfall to being the person who is trying to "make it." But it's not. There have been plenty of times when people have played things for me seeking my opinion and in my head I'm thinking "What the hell do you need my opinion for???" I mean these are seasoned writers and producers but they constantly have to make sure that what they are doing connects with that counterpoint in another person.
And so I'm not really sure what the point I am making is. lol. But it's just an observation I made after being told that "it constantly seems like I'm trying to pass a test" when I am presenting an idea. I'm seeking agreement, validation that most other people are often seeking as well ... why?
This is definitely a crazy video. Nice to still see videos with concepts but a bit of a tear jerker!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Worth a Thousand Words
Just a Thought 7/9
Just some blips of things I've written. You know the deal.
"Dear Lord I prayed today
Prayed that you'd remember me
for some time has passed"
"And I'm dumb for thinking I could find something better
So dumb for writing you that dear john letter
Wish I would have seen the grass was brown
Before you met her"
"So in a moment of weakness
I let curiosity defeat us
Caught up in the lies of lust
Until enough was just enough
So we cried and we tried to reconcile
But the damage was done
And here we are
Floating aimlessly
Our love decapitated
And new love sprouting
From the mess that was created"
"Dear Lord I prayed today
Prayed that you'd remember me
for some time has passed"
"And I'm dumb for thinking I could find something better
So dumb for writing you that dear john letter
Wish I would have seen the grass was brown
Before you met her"
"So in a moment of weakness
I let curiosity defeat us
Caught up in the lies of lust
Until enough was just enough
So we cried and we tried to reconcile
But the damage was done
And here we are
Floating aimlessly
Our love decapitated
And new love sprouting
From the mess that was created"
Friday, July 9, 2010
Carvin & Ivan: redefining T (new) SOP
Check out this story on my mentors in this writing thing. So blessed to be working with some of the best in the game!
Carvin & Ivan: redefining T (new) SOP
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Small Things

Often in life we like to make things very complicated!!! But if you really just get down to the nitty gritty, you realize that life is simple. And so I try to enjoy the simple things in life. Sunshine, Gelato, making music, all things that make me insanely happy. Our time here is way too short. I refuse to stress about anything anymore. It's honestly just a waste of time. Our success, our failure, our heartache are constants in life that never really change. It's all about your outlook, your next step. So while you contemplate how to figure out all the complicated things in your life, at least stop by Capogiro for a tasty delight that will definitely make you forget about all your problems at least until the end of the cup. lol.
Worth A Thousand Words
Thursday, July 1, 2010
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