Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Booth

The booth is an interesting space to exist in. A dead room. Made so that the sound waves will not flutter or have harsh reflections and to scare the crap out of people like me who have no business in the booth. I am a writer. A songwriter. And as much as I would like that to solely involve my pen and a page, that is not the case. I often have to go into the booth to lay reference ideas for songs that I am writing. Only for another singer to come in and lay the idea over. The booth has been one of my biggest enemies in the past. I mean literally, I would lose my breath, get sweaty palms every time I went in, which does not help you sound better at all. And after listening back to a nervous, breathless recording, I gained even more disdain for that tiny box with a microphone. You would think I was the most terrible singer IN the world, when really I’m not it just comes out AWFUL in the booth. Lol. But this year, this lifetime, from now on, I’ve decided that I am no longer afraid of anything. And although this proclamation is going to take some time, I am confident that I am going to indeed overcome this hate, hate relationship with those four walls, within four walls. That in addition to taking some vocal lessons should really do the trick. The booth is a very interesting space, jokes are made, autotune gives confidence, and confessions are blurted out especially when it's dark, but the most important thing that happens in there is good music is made. That is now my focus. There are great words on my pages and somebody gotta sing em’.

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