Tuesday, December 20, 2011

#Random ... Refreshing Imagery

Say what you will about music videos and media, but one thing is certain, we as black women are not always shown flattering images of ourselves. From booty popping to long weaves and racial ambiguousness, you may end up wondering where the images of everyday Black women are. Someone brought this video to my attention, “Feeling More” by Tabi Bonney featuring Nicole Wray. It really made me smile to see all this beautiful black women with natural hair in this video!

Now I do not hate on women who choose something different, but often times when beauty is depicted on the TV screen, it is not of a woman with kinky curls. And it’s funny because when my hair was relaxed, I never even thought about it. I never thought about the fact that I rarely saw women on TV with their natural hair texture. Shoot, I didn’t even know what my natural hair texture was like.

Sometimes I feel like we are victim to things we don’t even realize. How will you ever know how beautiful you are if no one ever shows you? Or takes the time to spotlight that? Many young girls are suffering from an identity crisis. Many of our young girls are growing up with low self-esteem and they don’t even know it. I had no idea how attached I was to the idea that I had long hair. And I always wanted even my relaxed hair to be straighter, which made no sense at all.

I’m not saying everyone should go out and only use natural girls for their videos, but what a beautiful thing to show the many sides of beauty. Quite frankly, our girls need it. They need to know that they are gorgeous too, even with their frizz, and hair that won’t quite lie all the way down. There are so many men that appreciate it. Mine does! Lol.

I just want to scream “Hey little Black girl, you’re beautiful too!”

Check out the video below.

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