Friday, November 18, 2011

No Matter How Nice your Boots are ...

No matter how nice your boots are, you can always step in dog poop. I know that sounds so strange but the funniest thing happened to me today. Recently I bought a couple pairs of new boots for the winter season. All my old boots had literally began to fall apart, so I figured it was time to grab some new ones. I was even beginning to feel subpar because my boots were beginning to look so worn. So I felt really good about putting on my new boots to head to church. As I’m walking toward the church, stomping in my new boots, all of a sudden I felt my boot slide and I had to catch myself. And then I got a whiff of the sweet aroma of dog poop. As I began to put two and two together I realized exactly what I slid on. Hahaha. I looked at the bottom of my shoe and for sure there was poop on the bottom of them. It’s just so funny how, you can think that you are moving on up in the world and that you finally have something that makes you feel good and step in dog poop! Not having the latest boots … definitely First World problems as my co-worker and friend Caitlin Vivian would say. A Christian Laboutin can be just as easily smeared in poop as a payless shoe.

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