Friday, March 2, 2012

Adventures in Vocal Lesson ...

So I recently embarked on taking vocal lessons at Deliverance church in Philadelphia. And really I’ve gotten way more than I bargained for, in a good way. If I’m being honest, I started out taking the class because it was less than the vocal lessons I was looking at, at Temple. But after settling into it, I realized that I might grow much more in a church setting. Well right from the first day, I appreciated how the teacher just made us sing! No fear! I usually spend a lot of time complaining about how much I don’t want to sing before I actually do it, But I could tell there was going to be no room for that in this class. The greatest part about the class is that it’s so much bigger than “learning” how to sing. It is really about the anointing of singing and how to use singing as a tool. She talks about the importance of singing and how singing can pull you through battles. It took away a lot of the shyness I was feeling about my voice. There is something about singing songs for God that makes the importance of the notes fade away. And in that, you end up singing better because you’re not thinking so hard about it. I know a lot more about music than I give myself credit for. I often deal with insecurity in writing music based on the fact that I haven’t had much formal training. For so long I just wanted to understand the music that I hear in my head and be able to translate those musical ideas better to those that can execute it. So what I find in my voice class is not so much that my voice is getting better than it was, I am just gaining more confidence to use what I already had. Don’t get me wrong … reading with sheet music and singing with the piano is still very helpful ear training for me. I can be all kinds of flat and sharp and I am really trying to wrangle in my ear. I’m looking forward to getting in the studio and seeing the difference in my recording.

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